Paris Travel Deal

Paris Travel Deal

This post contains an overview of the Paris Travel Deal and provides details about the cost, travel dates, and what to expect on your journey.

Paris in the spring is beautiful! By far my favorite activity is walking the streets, soaking in the history while eating a yummy pastry.

Right now, we are seeing nonstop flights with Delta (and sister airlines) from SLC to Paris, in March for as little as $497! These flights are typical $1000. Count me in!

Here is how to book:

  1. Click HERE to go to Google Flights and find the dates you are wanting to travel
  2. OR put in the dates from the suggested travel dates (below). These are some of the lowest rates we are finding, but we are sure there are more.
  3. Book flights. We suggest booking directly with the airlines.

Suggested travel dates:

6-9 Day Trip Options

March 7-14, 9-15, 13-22, 14-20, 14-22, 20-29, 21-28, 23-31, 25-31.

Do you want more travel deals? If so let us know where you want to travel to next and we will keep an eye out.

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The Comments

  • Danielle Lindstrom
    January 25, 2022

    My dream is to travel and Paris is my #1 want but unfortunately probably can’t start until Summer of 2023 after new soon to come baby is done nursing.

    • Cassie and Ali
      Danielle Lindstrom
      January 25, 2022

      Paris is definitely on our bucket list!

  • Sara Merrick
    January 25, 2022

    Watching for Orlando, Fl this year 2022.

    • Cassie and Ali
      Sara Merrick
      January 25, 2022

      Hi Sara, we are actively searching for the best travel deals and will keep Orlando, FL in mind!

  • Kimberly Borst
    January 25, 2022

    Would love summer travel bargains. Spring and and fall are my busy time

    • Cassie and Ali
      Kimberly Borst
      January 26, 2022

      Hi Kimberly, we will definitely share Summer deals as they pop up. The summer is the best time for many families to travel so we expect to have many more deals to share.